The Mobile latest generation personal protection device.
With peace of mind!

Anyo­ne who wants to use an elec­tri­cal out­let of an exis­ting elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on for com­mer­cial pur­po­ses must take appro­pria­te pro­tec­ti­ve mea­su­res in advan­ce. PRCD‑S pro meets this requirement.

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More Infor­ma­ti­on

Fault-free switching on with gloves

With the PRCD‑S pro, it makes no dif­fe­rence whe­ther users wear gloves or not, thanks to the latest electronics.

Fault-free swit­ching on is pos­si­ble at all times under all ope­ra­ting conditions.

Determining the quality of the protective earth resistance

The PRCD‑S pro not only detects whe­ther the pro­tec­ti­ve earth PE is con­nec­ted, but also deter­mi­nes its qua­li­ty. Swit­ching on is only pos­si­ble if the resis­tance of the pro­tec­ti­ve earth RPE is less than 1kΩ ist.

Thus, the PRCD‑S meets the hig­hest safe­ty requirements.

Self-monitoring device

Self-moni­to­ring device
The PRCD‑S pro moni­tors its­elf. The clas­sic test but­ton is omitted.

  • Func­tion­al test of the resi­du­al cur­rent cir­cuit upon every con­nec­tion to the socket and every 2 hours of ope­ra­ti­on – wit­hout interruptions
  • Relay cont­act test upon each switch-on and switch-off process
  • Moni­to­ring of the resis­tance of the pro­tec­ti­ve earth RPE
  • Indi­ca­ti­on of the device sta­tus and fault signal­ling using inte­gra­ted LEDs

Detection of smooth DC fault currents

Elec­tri­cal loads and equip­ment can gene­ra­te smooth DC fault currents.
If the­se are con­nec­ted to an elec­tri­cal cir­cuit with a Type A fault cur­rent cir­cuit brea­k­er, the­se smooth DC fault curr­ents cau­se the fault cur­rent cir­cuit brea­k­er to not function.

The PRCD‑S pro detects smooth DC fault curr­ents > 6 mA safe!*

*depen­ding on the type of device

DGUV 203–006 konform

DGUV Infor­ma­ti­on 203–006 (DGUV – Ger­man Social Acci­dent Insu­rance) requi­res the use of appro­pria­te pro­tec­ti­ve mea­su­res when con­nec­ting elec­tri­cal equip­ment to unfa­mi­li­ar sockets, e.g. use of a por­ta­ble resi­du­al cur­rent device accor­ding to DIN VDE 0661:

  • Rated dif­fe­ren­ti­al cur­rent I∆n ≤ 30 mA
  • All-pole swit­ching, inclu­ding pro­tec­ti­ve earth
  • No inde­pen­dent restart after res­to­ra­ti­on of voltage

As well as the fol­lo­wing functions:

  • Must not be able to be swit­ched on if the pro­tec­ti­ve earth is inter­rupt­ed or is under voltage
  • Must be swit­ched off if vol­ta­ge is pre­sent at the pro­tec­ti­ve earth during ope­ra­ti­on or if the pro­tec­ti­ve earth is interrupted
  • The pro­tec­ti­ve earth must not be swit­ched off if exter­nal vol­ta­ge is pre­sent on the pro­tec­ti­ve earth

Beha­viour of the PRCD‑S pro in the event of a fault

Break wire N (or L)

Can­not be tur­ned on.
Break during ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­on: Inter­rup­ti­on of L and N. PE remains closed.

Protective earth breakage

Can­not be swit­ched on. No power at PE > 1 kΩ.
Inter­rup­ti­on of L and N during ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­on when PE > 1 kΩ.

Break PEN conductor

Can­not be swit­ched on.
Break during ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­on: Inter­rup­ti­on of L, N and PE.

Wiring fault, PE and L reversed

Can­not be swit­ched on.


Can­not be swit­ched on.
Inter­rup­ti­on of L, N and PE during ongo­ing operation.

Fault current according to technical data

Inter­rup­ti­on of L, N and PE.

Voltage on PE when switching on

Can­not be swit­ched on.
Fault-free ope­ra­ti­on even when wea­ring gloves.

External voltage on PE, e.g. drilling a line

Inter­rup­ti­ons of L and N

PE remains closed

RCD (MCB) of the exter­nal cir­cuit triggers.

Further information

Would you like more infor­ma­ti­on about our PRCD pro­ducts? Then just down­load the bro­chu­re here.

Ger­man sta­tu­to­ry acci­dent insurance