Light on! The new switch socket

Are you loo­king for a revo­lu­tio­na­ry switch expe­ri­ence, qua­li­ty, quick and easy instal­la­ti­on? Then our brand new switch socket is the right solu­ti­on for you! The new switch socket from Kopp stands out with its detail­ed and well thoughful fea­tures, making it uni­que in its kind. With its com­for­ta­ble pres­su­re points, it offers you an incom­pa­ra­ble plea­sant swit­ching feeling.

You will enjoy the instal­la­ti­on. With its small instal­la­ti­on depth of just 29 mm, it gives you ple­nty of space in the flush­moun­ted box. Its 45° rota­ted con­nec­tions make wiring a bree­ze. The 1 mm thick sup­port ring offers incre­di­ble sta­bi­li­ty. Thanks to the engra­ved ali­gnment marks, adjus­t­ment is very quick and easy. The coun­ter­sunk claws with quick-thread screws ensu­re per­fect hold and scre­wing on in record time.

We convince you at top speed

The socket family is complete

You are alre­a­dy fami­li­ar with our new socket base? Then it’s time­for you to get to know the brand new switch bas­e­f­rom Kopp. Switch and socket bases, which now come in the same design, offer you the hig­hest qua­li­ty and simp­lest instal­la­ti­on. Thanks to iden­ti­cal quick-thread screws for fas­tening, the­re is no need to chan­ge bits. The inte­gra­ted ali­gnment slots ensu­re light­ning­ja­st and pre­cise ali­gnment during instal­la­ti­on. No time-con­sum­ing adjus­t­ment, just a smooth pro­cess, making your instal­la­ti­on more effi­ci­ent than ever befo­re. With a standardi­ sed design, our pro­ducts offer not only con­sis­ten­cy, but also maxi­mum com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty Put an end to com­pli­ca­ted instal­la­ti­ons and expe­ri­ence the ease of elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on with our swit­ches and socket bases.

Instal­la­ti­on has never been easier!


Made in Ger­ma­ny for over 95 years — that’s what KOPP stands for. Through defi­ned pro­ces­ses in deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion, as well as a qua­li­ty inspec­tion accor­ding to strict cri­te­ria, we want to ful­fill our respon­si­bi­li­ty as a pro­du­cer and sup­pli­er of cur­rent-car­ry­ing pro­ducts. In doing so, we focus on iden­ti­fy­ing pos­si­ble defects as quick­ly as pos­si­ble within the frame­work of qua­li­ty manage­ment or pre­ven­ting them from occur­ring in the first place through pre­ven­ti­ve measures.“