Bluetooth® 5 Mesh Technology

The newest technology.

The mesh net­work con­nects all of your Smart-con­trol devices and enables direct com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with each other – wit­hout an Inter­net con­nec­tion or addi­tio­nal gate­way. The net­work (mesh) trans­mits the con­trol com­mands to the requi­red devices. In the case the direct com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is dis­tur­bed, one of the other devices (nodes) auto­ma­ti­cal­ly takes over the transmission.
With each addi­tio­nal device included in the mesh, ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty and ran­ge increase.

„Final­ly smart home
with a future-pro­of technology.“

Quickly set up,
Infinitely expandable.

According to your wishes.

Smart-con­trol products

Swit­ching and dim

Rol­ler shut­ters, awnings and blinds

Light color regulate

Crea­te indi­vi­du­al plans

Sche­du­les and timers

Set sce­nes

Coming Home Function

Easy con­trol

App con­trol

Voice con­trol

Con­trol from awaywhere

„I can set ever­y­thing easy as I want it.“

Easy to control from anywhere.

From your smartphone.

With the Kopp Home­Con­nect App you have all your devices at a glan­ce. Design your home as com­for­ta­ble and effi­ci­ent as you want it and con­trol it from whe­re and how you want.

The Kopp Home­Con­nect App is available for free down­load from the Goog­le Play Store and the Apple Store.

„From the road or from the couch,
I’m the helmsman.“

Start small, expand big.

From one component to building management.
Individual and flexible.

Tho­se who start small can imme­dia­te­ly bene­fit from the full ran­ge of func­tions. Each com­po­nent can be easi­ly imple­men­ted and can end­less­ly extend later. In this way, you can go from a small Smar­thome to com­ple­te buil­ding manage­ment and are even always up to date. Becau­se all com­pon­ents can be updated at any time.

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